DxO FilmPack Elite free
DxO FilmPack Elite free

The latest version, FilmPack 6, needs to deliver more than just a bunch of new film emulations and filters, however, as DxO now has a lot of competition.

DxO FilmPack Elite free DxO FilmPack Elite free

Its other image-editing packages attract positive attention too, particularly for the DeepPRIME noise-reduction features in PureRaw.ĭxO FilmPack has been around for a while, and as its name suggests, provides digital emulations of a lot of classic film emulsions. DxO has done an impressive job with the Nik Collection since taking it over from Google, turning a neglected image-editing suite into a powerful package that manages to rival Adobe while integrating seamlessly with Photoshop and Lightroom.

DxO FilmPack Elite free